
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

WOD - Tuesday - 100727

Money round: 285# - 6 reps


Med Ball Situps (20#)
Back Squats (135#)

40 Warrior Burpees

Box Jumps (20")
Shuttle Run Down & Back


WOD - Monday - 100726

Money round: 115# - 9 reps


12 Deadlifts
3 Jumping pull ups & 3 Box Dips
9 Hang Power Cleans
3 Jumping pull ups & 3 Box Dips
6 Push Jerks
3 Jumping pull ups & 3 Box Dips
5 Rounds - 115# barbell


Thought about using 95#, but talked myself into using 115#. Felt like I moved slow through this. Pull-ups and dips should have gone more quickly, but couldn't make myself go fast on those for some reason.

Deadlifts @115# were no sweat

Push Jerks got heavy on the 4th and 5th rounds, but I was able to get through all sets of those unbroken.

Hang power cleans were my problem in this workout. Broke 3 of the 5 sets in the middle. I think I need to work on technique some to get confidence in being able to do these quickly.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Progress Monday - 100726

Not too bad this past week. Did better with my lunches. Not expecting perfection allowed me to make better progress. Also added a couple additional metrics (see below). Although there are other factors (hydration, wet feet, time of day, etc.) that can affect the % body fat reading, that measurement along with weight allows me to get a calculation of actual lbs bodyfat lost and lbs muscle gained.

Based on the measurements, ~11 lbs of fat lost and ~3 lbs of muscle gained over 6 weeks. Not sure how accurate it is, but regardless I'm noticing a difference for the better! :)

1. Keep hydrated: PASS
2. 4 Crossfit workouts/week: PASS
3. Post-workout nutrition: PASS
4. Zone/Paleo breakfast: PASS
5. Zone/Paleo dinner: PASS

Beginning (6/14/10)
Weight: 304.2 lbs
%BF: 39.6 %
Waist: 55.125 in.
lbs fat: 120.5 lbs
non fat: 183.7 lbs

This Week (6 weeks)
Weight: 296.2 lbs
%BF: 36.9 %
Waist: 54.375 in.
lbs fat: 109.3 lbs
non fat: 186.9 lbs

Weight: -8 lbs
%BF: -2.7 %
Waist: -0.75 in.
lbs fat:-11.2 lbs
muscle: 3.2 lbs


WOD - Friday - 100723

WOD 1:

30 Push ups with hand release at the bottom (knee pushups)
3 Burpee Pull ups
21 OHS Men (65#)
3 Rounds


WOD 2:

3 Cleans (155#)
4 Strict Press (75#) [moded HSPU]
7 Rounds


Thursday, July 22, 2010

WOD - Thursday - 100722


15 No-Wall Ball Shots - [14 lb WB] (No wall. Throw them straight up.)
100m Overhead Wall Ball Carry
30 Mason Twists L+R=2
100m Sprint (rest until you are ready to do an all out sprint)
AMRAP in 25 min

5 rounds + 9 reps

Also did 1RM bench press...

205 lbs

Results of the overhead carry means I need to work more on shoulder flexibility. :)

Heel is in pain again as a result of the sprints though. I'll have to manage that.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

WOD - Tuesday - 100720

WOD: Open Event 6b from 2010 CF Games

30 T2B
21 Ground to Overhead (any way) Men 95lbs. Women 65 lbs.
3 Rounds


10 partial ROM K2E on the bar
20 modified T2B on the floor
21 Ground to Overhead any way (75lbs)
3 rounds


I have the technique down now for doing continuous K2E! That was a neat feeling! Now I just need to work on the strength and flexibility to do full ROM K2E, and then on to T2B. Found that I need to 'press' against the bar when swinging my legs up to my knees. (Imagine laying face down on the floor with you're arms stretched out overhead, like your flying like superman. Now press your hands down and try to do a push-up. This is the same movement, but just do it when hanging from the bar and kicking your legs up.)

Used a lighter weight on the G2O. Again, looking to work on stringing together reps and minimize the # of times I drop the bar. Didn't do as well as I had hoped, but not horrible either.

Progress Monday - 100719

Catching up on posts. Fell off the wagon last week. Well... maybe more like holding on to the wagon with my feet dragging the ground, but still not as good as I would like. I had actually been doing 'OK' before on lunches even though I hadn't added that to my list. Last week, I didn't really pay any attention at all. Decided I have to change that this week, and I'll add it to my list. Not expecting myself to be perfect, but definitely a lot better than I was last week.

1. Keep hydrated: NO PASS
2. 4 Crossfit workouts/week: PASS
3. Post-workout nutrition: NO PASS
4. Zone/Paleo breakfast: PASS
5. Zone/Paleo dinner: NO PASS

Beginning (6/14/10)
Weight: 304.2
%BF: 39.6
Waist: 55.125

This Week (5 weeks)
Weight: 299.4
%BF: 38.1
Waist: 54.75

Weight: -4.8
%BF: -1.5
Waist: -0.375

WOD - Mon - 100719

WOD: Nancy

400m Run
15 OHS Men 95lbs. Women 65 lbs.
5 Rounds


Used 75lb for the OHS. Wanted to focus on speed, technique and going unbroken on the OHS in this workout.

While my run is still really slow, I only broke the fourth set of the OHS. Came back and did the fifth set unbroken. Yea! But that also tells me I should have been able to do the fourth set unbroken. Regardless, a big boost in confidence in being able to do these faster. (By 'unbroken', that's not to say I didn't pause at the top of a rep to get a couple breaths, it means I didn't drop the bar in that particular set.)

Nancy explanation...

Nancy example...

WOD - Sat - 100717


Did a partner WOD on Saturday. I don't remember the specifics of this one though. (I can't cheat and go look it up on the gym's website afterwards. :) )

It was a partner WOD where one person had to hold either a (for men) 53lb kettlebell or a 55lb dumbell through the whole workout. 20 burpees if you set it down. No resting on the shoulder. Divide the work as needed. It was 'something' like the following though I'm missing some details...

run/walk one mile
(a bunch of) pullups
(a bunch of) pushups
(a bunch of) situps
(a bunch of) squats
200m farmer's walk

One thing I'll say for having a big belly. It makes a good place to help rest a kettlebell for an extended period of time. Too bad that's going to be going away. ;)

WOD - Thu - 100715


100m Overhead Bar Walk - Attach chains or KBs to bar (used 45lb. bar with one 15lb kettlebell on each side)
10 Weighted Lunges L+R=2 (Same bar as walks on your back)
10 Dips
AMRAP in 14 min

2 rounds + 5 reps


;) So the bar with kettlebells took me by suprise a little. Really good exercise to force you to engage your shoulders in the overhead position.

Lunges are better, though there is still a long way for me to go in increasing flexibilty in the front of my hips.

Dips are still on the box. Waiting to focus on progessing to ring dips on these until I can get my right shoulder in order. There's plenty of stuff to work on in the meantime though. :)

WOD - 100713


50 Double Unders (1st 25/rnd DU, second 25 3x regular)
40 Hollow Rocks
30 Goblet Squats (35lb - could have used a heavier weight)
20 K2E
3 Rounds

~30 minutes (forgot to write down the time again)


Double-unders were basically one at a time with an occassional two in a row. My heel felt worse after the workout, but not as bad as I expected. Just need to make sure to stretch the calf and soleus.

Matt suggested I do more on the goblet squats. I thought he was kidding. :) Looking back, I could definitely do more. It would add to the suckage, but I know I'm capable of it. I mean we just did a WOD that included 30 reps of a 135 lb back squat.

For K2E, I did the first 10 on the bar and then modified the second 10. Don't have the technique down yet for doing continuous reps without getting 'off kilter'.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Progress Monday - 100712

Interesting pattern over the last three weeks. Either the weight OR the %body fat drops. The other goes up from the previous week. The over-arching trend for both is downward though, which is the main concern.

1. Keep hydrated: PASS
2. 4 Crossfit workouts/week: PASS
3. Post-workout nutrition: PASS
4. Zone/Paleo breakfast: PASS
5. Zone/Paleo dinner: PASS

I think I need to focus on these five items for the next week to further ingrain the habits before trying to add anything else.

Beginning (6/14/10)
Weight: 304.2
%BF: 39.6
Waist: 55.125

This Week (4 weeks)
Weight: 299
%BF: 33
Waist: 54.625

Weight: -5.2
%BF: -6.6
Waist: -0.5

WOD - 100712


Split Jerks | Pull ups
10 • 1
9 • 2
8 • 3
7 • 4
6 • 5
5 • 6
4 • 7
3 • 8
2 • 9
1 • 10



1,000m row

Started with 115# for the split jerks. Lowered it to 95# during the set of 8 because I didn't do the set unbroken. Don't know if this was a good idea or not. 95# would be more of a speed workout, 115# I can do, but would have to grind out. I was able to finish the rest of the split jerk sets unbroken with 95#.

Did 'jump and hold' pullups through the set of 6, then changed to kipping using the black band. Did that set of 7 in a row. I think I can do more than that, but sweat on the bar becomes a problem, even with chalk. Probably something I can do to manage that better.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

WOD - 100709


40 Weighted Situps (43 lb. kettlebell)
30 Push ups (on knees)
20 Pull ups (jumped and held for a second)
10 50% of your 1 Rep Max Back Squats (used 135 lbs)
3 Rounds



Kept plugging away on this one also. I was a little nervous about getting 135lb on my back from the ground, but everything went just fine. I canPush-ups still bug the shoulder. Couldn't manage to get my foot in the band for pull-ups how things were arrenged, so modified on the fly.

WOD - 100708


5 Burpee Box Jumps (used a 20" box)
10 Box Jumpovers (used a 12" 'short' box)
15 Box Donkey Kicks
5 Rounds


Floor Wipers w/Bar
60 reps (L + R = 1 rep)

Did better than I thought I would on this one. Though it wasn't exactly a fast pace, I kept moving through the whole thing.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

WOD - 100706


1 Rep Max Back Squat

Did 275# today. Not quite down to parallel, but within about an inch or two I was told. 275 felt pretty good. I felt like I could have done another 20-40 lbs., but decided to stop there after talking with Matt. I start a 'butt-wink' right before I get down to parallel, and I want/need to work on flexibility so I can be stonger (and safer) in all of the squat based movements.

I had only done this one previous time about a year ago. Did 175# that time.


Then Run 3 mi.

Ended up running just 1 mi. Restricted on time.

WOD - 100705


Monday 3 couplet WOD

(You will partner and compete against someone of similar capacities, rotate when the partner doing the Sprint, Wall balls, and Burpees is finished with their reps/distance.)

Pull-ups (C2B)
Sprint 200
(3 rounds / record # Pull-ups each)


Hang Cleans (75#)
20 Wall Balls
(3 rounds)


Push Press (75#)
20 Burpees
(3 rounds)

Holiday this day so I went in for the workout at noon. NOT used to working out in the heat. The plan was to do three rounds each, but I think my partner and I ended up cutting the last two couplets short in the delerium. GREAT workout though!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Progress Monday - 100705

Monday was a holiday this week, so the measurements were taken a lot later in the morning. About 10am instead of the standard 5am. Kind of crazy how the %body fat numbers come out. If I believe the numbers below, and calculate it out, the numbers indicate that I've lost over 6 lbs. but have gained a pound of fat. With having added another CrossFit workout per week, cleaned up my eating at least to some extent, and having improved my hydration I don't buy those numbers. Just further evidence to me that these measurements, especially %BF, should be looked at as a general trend as opposed to precise measurements.

1. Keep hydrated: PASS
2. 4 Crossfit workouts/week: PASS
3. Post-workout nutrition: NO PASS (missed it twice this week)
4. Zone/Paleo breakfast: PASS

Not doing too bad on modifying things one at a time. Breakfast was good all week, and the full weekend was pretty good as well. Dinners are improving. Focusing on the dinners for this week.

Beginning (6/14/10)
Weight: 304.2
%BF: 39.6
Waist: 55.125

This Week
Weight: 297.8
%BF: 41.3
Waist: 54.625

Weight: -6.4
%BF: 1.7
Waist: -0.5

Sunday, July 4, 2010

WOD - 100702


6 Strict L Pull ups
8 Heavy DB Lunges
12 Ring Dips
Sprint 100m

AMRAP in 15 min.


Pull-ups modified to - jump up to chin over bar, hold and lower as slowly as possible.

30lb DB used for the lunges

Ring Dips on the boxes

100m sprint

4 rounds - 1/4 of the sprint

WOD - 100701


Double Unders
Weighted Box Jumps
Weighted Push ups
Wall Ball Situps
10 • 9 • 8 • 7 • 6 • 5 • 4 • 3 • 2 • 1 Rounds


No extra weight on the box jumps. Used a 20" box and stepped up because my heel was still bugging me. Don't want to push it too much if I'm already trying double-unders (which is what I hurt it on in the first place. :) )

Push-up on knees.



Double-unders were... well... completed, but not pretty. :) Mainly one at a time, but got two in a row on occassion. I was suprised that my heel held up through the whole workout. A little tight aftwards, but made sure to stretch it. Push-up still bug the shoulder though. I have to find just the right position.

WOD - 100629


K2E 100
(knees to elbows - see demo on this page.)


K2E 100
Did a total of 50 of them off of the bar. The other 50 modified on the ground. Switched between the two variations in sets of 25 - 25 - 15 - 15 - 10 - 10. Don't have the full range of motion on the bar yet either. Slowly but surely. :)
