
About Me

I've been dealing with my weight basically all my life.  I've been told I was put on my first 'diet' by a pediatrician  when I was a few months old.

The picture above is me at the CrossFit Troy affiliate tryouts this past spring - 2010.  I had been doing CrossFit for about a year, and weighed about 305#.  The workout was 21-15-9 C2B pullups and 95# power snatches.  (I modified to do jumping pullups.)  Two other affiliates joined us that day - Centerville CrossFit and CrossFit Wright Patt.  With the shape I was in, and with the competition there I knew I had absolutely no chance, but decided to do it for the experience. 
And who knows, someday...  :-) 

I have a background in sports from age 6 to 14.  I was in some activity year-round for most of those years...

  • Spring = Baseball

  • Summer = Swimming

  • Fall = Soccer

  • Winter = Swimming
I did pretty good.  Swimming was my best sport I think.

Lets just say there was a long slow decline after I got out of sports, to the point where I got up to 343#, and REALLY out of shape.  About 4 years ago I wanted to start making changes.  I remember going to the local YMCA, walking in and not being entirely sure what to start with.  I ended up starting with the elliptical.  I got on, went about 30 seconds, didn't feel I could do anymore because I was so winded and my legs were out of juice already.  I was in complete disbelief at how far gone I was and I swear I almost cried right then and there.  I had hit my low point.  I had two choices.  I could decide to just give up, or fight for my own health. 

I decided to fight.

Since that point about 4 years ago, I ended up losing about 120# by eating less (and better) food, going to the Y's bootcamp class 3x's a week, and also running about 20 miles/week.  Then there were a few things that happened that took a lot of time and energy from me, and ended up gaining back about 80#'s.  I lost that round, but the fight is not over yet.  Now I have CrossFit and the entire community associated with it to help fight alongside me.  Poor health has no choice at this point but to lose.

This blog is the story of my fight.

Yours in CrossFit,