
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Progress Monday - 100705

Monday was a holiday this week, so the measurements were taken a lot later in the morning. About 10am instead of the standard 5am. Kind of crazy how the %body fat numbers come out. If I believe the numbers below, and calculate it out, the numbers indicate that I've lost over 6 lbs. but have gained a pound of fat. With having added another CrossFit workout per week, cleaned up my eating at least to some extent, and having improved my hydration I don't buy those numbers. Just further evidence to me that these measurements, especially %BF, should be looked at as a general trend as opposed to precise measurements.

1. Keep hydrated: PASS
2. 4 Crossfit workouts/week: PASS
3. Post-workout nutrition: NO PASS (missed it twice this week)
4. Zone/Paleo breakfast: PASS

Not doing too bad on modifying things one at a time. Breakfast was good all week, and the full weekend was pretty good as well. Dinners are improving. Focusing on the dinners for this week.

Beginning (6/14/10)
Weight: 304.2
%BF: 39.6
Waist: 55.125

This Week
Weight: 297.8
%BF: 41.3
Waist: 54.625

Weight: -6.4
%BF: 1.7
Waist: -0.5


  1. Keep it up Dave!

  2. Thanks Riley. It's not gonna happen overnight, but it'll happen.
