
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Habit Review - 100620

Try and vary your methods as you will, your tastes, your habits, your attitude of mind, and your soul is revealed by your actions.
~Agatha Christie

There is one habit I wanted to focus on creating this past week, and that was to make sure I was properly hydrated. This is something I was doing, well... OK on before, but wanted to be better at it. To create the base so that my body has the 'stuff' it needs to function at it's highest potential.

How did I do with that this week? Pretty decent I think. The 'indicator' that I used was to see if my pee was pretty consistently clear (or close to it).

Some of the things I changed...
- drink more water in the morning (not hard since I was drinking pretty close to no water in the morning).
- drink water instead of diet pop at lunch (may or may not have a significant effect on hydration, but wanted to make that change anyway)
- drank quite a lot of water/tea when I got home from work
- could do better at drinking more water while at work

I found myself drinking close to about 1 gallon a day of water/tea.

There were also some other 'low hanging fruit' that I started changing this week also...
- started working out 4 days/week instead of 3
- started drinking 1-1/2 cups of 2% milk within 1/2hr. of workout as a recovery drink
- was more concious of what I was eating, made some slightly different choices at a few meals this week.

Well, weigh-in day is tomorrow. We'll see if anything's changed. :D (fingers crossed)

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